(574) 533-2070

August 2017

Why Choose Hoosier Hardwood Floors (part 2 of 2)

Why Choose Hoosier Hardwood Floors (part 2 of 2) In our last blog, we started our discussion about why you should choose Hoosier Hardwood Floors. Today we will finish that discussion by addressing perhaps the top reason why you should choose us for all of your hardwood needs: Professionalism.   It has become almost a […]

Why Choose Hoosier Hardwood Floors (Part 1)

Why Choose Hoosier Hardwood Floors (Part 1) Most of the time hardwood floors are not at the top of the 5:00 PM news broadcast, but when they are, it is usually not for a good reason, as someone has bought hardwood from a less than reputable source. At Hoosier Hardwood, you NEVER have to worry […]